Friday, January 1, 2010

Crying Poem

Loving You Blindly
Painful anger pricks my mind
Plunging me in these sorrows
Walking away leaving me behind
Like there will be no tomorrow
Wild tension and Depression
Leads me to this frustration
Frying myself in this sensation
Tearing me apart by this aggression
Dying for a calm peaceful sleep
Without a thought running deep
Lonely heart drenched in regrets
Let me rest, this is what I beg
Twisting and turning in my dream
Extracting my memories unwillingly
Resisting the disturbance bestowed
Repeating this nightmare brutally
Shutting my eyes escaping all
Fearing that you’d let me fall
Loving you blindly, losing my mind
My world’s spinning, I’m turning blind

When Will You Understand?
Dint I give u enough time?
To know me from inside out
Guarding my belief so blind
A mistake that I always doubt!
No matter how hard I tried
Exploring the places u’ve been
Every nook and corner I cannot find
Empty space is what I’ve seen
Stressing the people around me
Screaming & shouting in the air
Wanting to hide the bitter truth
Confessing my love in despair
Without you I detest myself
Wondering the mess I am in
Each time I offer myself
Hopeless faith, is what I see within

Crying Soul
As each second passes out my life
Washing away the yearnings I had
Unknown tears roll down my cheeks
Reminding me the good and the bad
Begging my soul to never weep
For my nights do have its dawn
Memories of the days passed with you
Left by you when you had gone
Far from this madding crowd
Standing alone crying instead
Wishing the wind to carry me on
Dropping me outside your doorstep
Will there be a bright red horizon
When you gather me up & my love
Crying soul will come to a halt
Heart & heart will fly like doves

Silent Tears
If my soul is that transparent
Revealing my delicate heart
A thousand tales will be told
Whenever we are far apart
If my thoughts read so loud
Screaming the inside me
They will depict my desires
That you will clearly see
If I scan the earth I live
For a better love than this
Deception is what I’ll get
Worshipping you is what I’ll miss
Unknown about our futures
Unknown is my existence
As days pass by & roll into years
I will love you with my silent tears

Dont Make Me Cry
Whenever i am alone
With no one, on my own
Bitter tears flow from me
Makes my heart brutally torn
No soul to hear me out
Difficult to speak about
All my friends who are there
None exists when I’m without
Living in this fake world
Juggling me in twist n twirl
Stamping me feet after feet
Painfully I have to go on
All the love I have for you
Paid no heed by you, my pie
Dying for you every second
Make you mine is what I try!

Wish You Could Read my Tears
If my tears could talk
They would utter your name
And tell you stories
That will put you in shame
They would wish to escape
When I cry at nights
But they fail to flee
Without shining my cheeks bright
They always flow in groups
To express their tales
But they never vanish
Even when wiped again & again
They flow even when happy
The moment you are there
They rush when I am sad
When they find you nowhere

You Left Me Speechless
Sitting here shivering to the core
Pleading to God, don’t want this more
Seeing what I should never see
Until the truth sunk into my being
Howling when reality struck me
Can’t swallow the food crumbs freely
Visions around begin to blur
Unspoken words didn’t utter further
Wanting to scream tears flowing down
Seeking for help, on any ground
Wishing this to be a nightmare
Which startled me from tip of my hair
Can’t digest the fact why this happened
Blaming myself from start to end
Shrinking to pieces when I’m not worth
Nowhere to hide in this vast earth!

At Times I Wonder For Long
At times i wonder for long
That if you realize that strong
If you would take me seriously
When I say I love you sincerely
At times I wonder for long
That if you realize that strong
For you all I would dare
Just because I really care
At times I wonder for long
That if you realize that strong
Baby I love you, I really do
If you ever feel the same way too
At times I wonder for long
That if you realize that strong
You mean everything to me
My life is meant for thee!

Frozzen Tears
My chest heaved with pain
Taking my breaths away
Can you heal it again?
Before I lose myself astray
Death is a door from me
If I want to forget this ache
Yet I can’t open the door
Bearing my love is at stake
For one word I can’t hear
Is the cruel word goodbye
No matter I am crushed
Never use it if it’s a lie
Should I kiss this tragedy?
Exhausting my emotions fully
Forever will my frozz3n tears
Weep for you silently

Your Tear Aches
Naivety or purity don’t exist
In this vast fake world
Searching for my identity
S’times replaced by cruel role
Pretending all is fine
While dying inside me
Struggling to see you in joy
Murdering myself for you freely
Never will I reveal out
The pain subsided in me
The aches will not affect
To see the happiness in thee
Haunted brutally by your lies
You thought unknown by me
But those become less important
Seeing your tears sad & salty

He Holds Her
Clinging to him like a child
Tightly fearing she will fall
Scared to ever lose him
Her heart flies at every call
Though someone claims her
This he always knew
But what he meant to her
He does not know that it is true
Finding tough to open up
His feelings he cannot show
Leaving her in mere darkness
Don’t know where to place her fingers so
Near in hearts tho’ miles apart
Hand in hand in wild imaginations
Protecting her from all her pains
Saying his love is never a game

Pool of Tears
Why do I cry tears of pain?
Wept profoundly from my heart
I search for valuable reason
I realized when you are apart
Each time you come beside
I give up the cause to die
This is the only way to work
To lit the candle of my life
When the horizon reddens
My pool of tears knows no trace
Looking afar with blinking eyes
That you will return with smiling face
Once again when the full moon glows
Don’t know why I become low
My vision becomes unclear
That’s when I cannot hold my tear

You Will Never Understand
I don’t ever belong here
I’m so naive and clean
Those are my traces - then
Why are you so mean?
I smile broadly at everyone
But I cry within alone
I know I’m a good pretender
Right from my blood to my bone
Fear trembled me thru’ out
I shiver non-stop inside
But you always ask me why
I don’t ever know to cry
Not a truth I hear but lies
Lame excuses making me fine
But you can’t see one fact
For you I live and shine

Make me alive again
Your harsh words couldn’t harm me
But your silent torture is worse secretly
Hands are closed in fists of fury
Deep inside, i mourn in melody
Numerous tricks born out of your lies
Can’t see when & dont know why
you are my blessing in disguise
It’s just me, i’m not wise
it’s been ages since i sleep in peace
No dream comes to make me pleased
All i hear is the silent scream
I’m not gifted, by this it seems
Gone are those days, but memories linger
Im with all, yet i’m a stranger
Addicted to this loneliness with you in mind
Where are you baby? i just cant find!

Why I Shed My Tears
All my hidden tears
All my feelings inside
All my pains that passed by
All i want is die
Broken down each day
None has nothing to say
All my dreams washed away
I hope there will be a way
My unseen artificial smiles
There is no decision behind
Thorny path i walk on
My life has no rewind
Blinded by things i do
Disturbed mind & vexed thoughts
Noone beside to confide
My problems always in clot
Trying to approach very near
That’s the reason i’m here
But still battling with my fears
Not knowing why i shed my tears

Nowhere to Go
Tears rush down burning my cheeks
Opened my mouth but hard to speak
Taking a deep breathe to talk in vain
No tears but howl as i cry again
Approaching the death as i bleed
Slitting the scar as nobody needs
Trembling in fear wanting to hide
Chased by the nightmares escaped i tried
Eager to end this treacherous pain
Free up my soul like pouring rain
Why do my heart still freeze like ice ?
Struggling to make it beat again
I’m your present don’t make me your past
Getting your hint, understood at last
Broken apart tough to put me back
Gave you everything what else i lack ?
Is there a view i fail to see ?
Or refusing to grow be what i be
The air i breathe suffocates me tight
Only you can rescue from this terrible plight

Your Image in My Tears
When I drop those crystal tears
I wonder if You feel it’s warmth
They are nothing but the memories
Of your words with so much charm
Unknowingly you are the cause
Of those tears that burn my cheeks
Is it to prove that your love is fake?
Which makes me cry from days to weeks
Whenever i’m drenched in sorrows deep
No one pays attention to my weeps
Do you think the same I think - that
These unseen tears increase my pain in heap
When you found my heart is broken
For all the love I give thy along
You are at fault to put it at stake
When you realise I will be gone..

Will You Shed a Tear?
My tears which i hide
Unreveal my feelings deep inside
The pain that i undergo
Is worse than anyone dies
I’m falling down apart
Without a word to say
I yearn for this escape
To enjoy my everyday
I smile with a frown
To give him a good decision
This is how i have to make
I know it can’t be a mistake
Nothing turns out to be smooth
My heart fails to soothe
Are you that famous someone?
With whom i can see fun
Is this where i should be?
Then why don’t you want me?
Day by day it becomes a fear
If i go, will you shed a tear?

My Tear has Soul
Each drop of my tears
Would utter when it falls
Wishing the effort it has
To make our bond strong
It will regret every second
The escape from my eyes
For it has broken my heart
Like a hammer breaks the ice
But my tear has a soul
Where it never harms at all
When it hurts itself
I die in pain coz I’m its own
Why my tears pain in guilt?
Seeing the silence that you built
Is my excess love held responsibility?
On behalf of my tears do forgive me

Someone Will Shed a Tear?

Cant hide the tears i shed
They reflect my feelings inside
The pains borns from it
They kill me when i’m alive
My life shrinks down everyday
There’s nothing left to say
If there be a magic to take me away
So that i can be happy my way
Everything around me is a fake
I have no decisions to make
This is the naseeb i take
Whether it’s right or a mistake
I don’t belong to this place
My absence will not affect the near
But I know deep inside my heart
Someone will shed for me a tear


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